What is laparoscopy surgery?
Laparoscopy literally means: Laparo= Abdomen + Scope= to see by direct vision. It is a technique which is widely applied in general surgery and gyneacology as well as in urologic surgery. In laparoscopy, operation is done through 2-5 very small incisions instead of conventional large surgical incision. Postoperatively, patients would have less pain, needs fewer pain medications, can leave hospital earlier and could return sooner to their routine work. In adrenal and majority of kidney operations, laparoscopic surgery is the standard care of patients. For example, laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy for kidney transplantation is widely used all over the world to decrease discomfort of surgery in the hope that to encourage relatives of patients to donate kidney to their families. As an example, pictures of a 45 years old female with kidney cancer who was treated by laparoscopy on Aug, 4th, 03 in Shahid Labafinejad medical center by Professor Nasser Simforoosh M.D are shown.

Fig 1- CT scan of the patient shows a mass in left kidney.

Fig 2- Patients in operative room under general anesthesia before commencement of surgery.

Fig 3- Patients is being operated by small incisions through which laparoscopic instruments has passed to perform the laparoscopic radical nephrectomy.

Fig 4- The kidney and its mass has been removed from small suprapubic incision.

Fig 5- The diseased kidney in pathology laboratory.

Fig 6- Patient seen 3 days after operation. Small suprapubic incision (incision just above pubic hair) is not visible and is more comfortable for patient. She discharged from hospital on 3rd postoperative day.