Kidney Transplant Fellowship Training Program
The Kidney Transplant Fellowship Program at Labbafinejad Medical Center is certified by the Middle East Society of Organ Transplantation (MESOT) .
With more than 3000 kidney transplants since its inception, The Kidney Transplantation Center at Labbafinejad Medical Center is one of the busiest in the country. We perform approximately 200 kidney transplants annually, nearly 80% of which are living donor transplants. The Division of Transplantation is part of the Department of Urology .A minimum of twelve months is spent on the kidney transplant inpatient service and outpatient clinic. Three Kidney Transplant Fellowship positions will be available per year. Physicians who have completed their training in Urology at an accredited program and are Iranian board certified are accepted through a national matching program. The Kidney Transplant Fellowship participates in the matching program run by urology department. Foreign applicants should be communicating with Dr simforoosh (simforoosh
All transplant patients are admitted to the Transplant Service as necessary for preoperative evaluation, perioperative care, and postoperative complications and care. Fellows round daily as a team with staff, visiting all transplant patients.
More than 1000 laparoscopic donor nephrectomy were done at our center from 2000.
Also 80% of kidney donations at our country are from living, cadaveric kidney transplantation especially at the recent years is popularized and it frequency is increased.

Faculty Members:
Nasser simforoosh MD, Chairman of department.
Abbas Basiri MD
Mohsen Nafar MD.
Fatemeh Pourrezagholi MD.
Fariba Samadian MD.
Ahmad Firoozan MD.
Clinical Fellows Trained:
Reza Mahdavi Zafarghandi MD Mashhad Imam Reza hospital
Mahmoud Kabiri MD Isfahan Azahra hospital
Akbar Akhavan Tafti MD Tehran Imam Khpmeini hospital
Aboulfazl Bohlooli MD Tabriz Imam Khpmeini hospital
Hossein Nourbala MD Tehran Baghyatallah hospital
Mohammad Yazdani MD Isfahan Khorshid hospital
Mohammadreza Razzaghi MD Tehran Shohada hospital
Behrouz Ghazimogaddam MD Gorgan 5 Azar hospital
Mohammadreza Fattahi MD Tehran
Ali Taghizadeh Afshari MD Orumia Imam Khomeini hospital
Mohammd Heidari MD Khorramabad Shohadai Ashayer hospital
Faramaz Fazeli MD Zahedan Khatamolanbia hospital
Hamidreza Gholamrezaii MD Tehran Shaheed Chamran hospital
Abazar Akbarzadeh Pasha MD Babol Shaheed Beheshti hospital
Serajadin Vahidi MD Yazd
Yadollah Sezavar MD Tabriz Amiralmomenin hospital
Hossein Mahmoudi MD Kashan Shaheed Beheshti hospital
Mahmoud Tavakkoli MD Bojnord
Mohammad Reza Ebadzadeh Kerman
Mohammad kazem Moslemi Ghom
Behzad Feizzadeh Karigh Mashhad
Mohammad Reza Gharaati Isfahan
Shahram Gouran Tehran
Mahmoud Shakibi Mashad
Samad Zare Yazd
Mohammad Samzadeh Tehran
Babak Javanmard Tehran